Building Families on the Word.
Building Churches Around the World.

Ephesians 5:19
“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.”

The Bible tells us to sing and make melody to the Lord. We are commanded to sing praise to God over 600 times in the Bible. The music ministry of Old Suwanee Baptist Church is a vital part of the worship service each week. During the worship time, our hearts are to be tuned in to God and His Son Jesus Christ. Each week you will find music which lifts the heart of the believer and prepares each person for worship. At Old Suwanee Baptist Church, our music is conservative with plenty of the great hymns of the faith sung each week. Our choir ministry uplifts the name of Christ with each special. The goal of the music ministry is to uplift, encourage and challenge the hearts of the people each week.